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This needs to be a teachable come-to-Jesus moment for all studios as far as understanding the concept of "Popular Demand". If you want to build your studio tentpole plans around IP, you need to keep generating new IP. These Transformers movies had declining domestic box office from parts 2 to 6, only for a slight uptick in the recent one (which was still a flop due to the budget plus the weak overseas showing). It's been the same domestic formula for the three "G.I. Joe" movies.

And on top of it, we all need to be honest -- everyone knows these movies suck, including some of the people that made the bigger films hits.

Yeah, okay, maybe you made a fun new Transformers movie, from what I hear. But fans are already disinterested. They've figured it out. These movies haven't gone anywhere, no one missed them. They don't want them. The idea, after that ghastly second movie, that the studio was eyeing a bigger cinematic universe no one wanted (and they wasted SO many years trying) is just corporate incompetence on every level. Shut it down, Paramount.


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